Author: Kerstin Hovland

Lamentatio Solastalgia (i. Ablatae ii. Cineres)

Lamentatio Solastalgia (i. Ablatae ii. Cineres)

Solastalgia: The loss of ability to derive comfort from the surrounding environment due to ecological change. These animations are a lament for environments lost or irreparably damaged …


Dream of a Fixed Escape

Dream of a Fixed Escape

Cherise Richards of Riptide Dance, Composer Brendan Byrnes and Video Artist Kerstin Hovland present an evening of dance, live music and video at Live Arts …


Coding System for Reducing Redundancy

Coding System for Reducing Redundancy

Coding System for Reducing Redundancy unpacks the ubiquitous JPEG compression scheme and examines how it works, why it works the way it does, what it …


3 Phase

3 Phase

3 Phase is both an instrument and performance piece that studies three methods for integrating moving image and music in a cohesive stage presence.  Each …


Luminis Sphaera: Interdisciplinary Performance Group

Luminis Sphaera: Interdisciplinary Performance Group

Luminis Sphaera is an ensemble founded to explore the process of creating a non-hierarchical interdisciplinary performances. The group creates a dialogue about the roles and interaction …


Echo Loci:
Integrated Media Thesis

Echo Loci:
Integrated Media Thesis

Echo Loci is an installation exploring the interactions between the memory and perception.  The concept stems from my experiences returning to once familiar places to …


Interdisciplinary Performance

Interdisciplinary Performance


Explorations in Stereoscopy

Explorations in Stereoscopy

The following projects are experiments in creating stereoscopic 3D footage using a variety of techniques for capture, conversion, and display. Anaglyph conversion for viewing compositions in …




Dream of a Fixed Escape (2012) Data (2008) The animation for “Data” consists of several layered images of a spindle of writable CDs moving in response to …


Life at Sea: An International Collaboration

Life at Sea: An International Collaboration

In November 2010, artists from the Jakarta Institute of the Arts (IKJ) in Indonesia came to CalArts for a week-long, intensive residency program. Once …




Topology: Works on Paper …


Virtual Reality Research Groups

Virtual Reality Research Groups

During my undergraduate work at Iowa State, I served as a research assistant on several projects at the Virtual Reality Application Center (VRAC). My roles …